Are you stuck?

Been doing personal development work for a while but can't connect and apply everything you have learned? Quantum Alignment coaching helps remove the blocks and helps to connect the dots.


Understanding your Human Design gives you a blueprint to your uniqueness.  

Human design can help you learn how to be you.

This is helpful in relationships, decision making, understanding your life purpose and making choices around your health (where you live and what you eat).

If you do not know your birthtime, please insert do no know! I will run the chart every 2 hours on the day you were born  to see if it affects the chart produced.

Grab a copy of  “the Three Keys in Human Design” in ebook format completely FREE.  This beginners guide has the essentials of what you need to know as you start out on your human design journey.

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Human Design Courses

Following my design led me back in to scientific research! I don’t offer 1 to 1 coaching anymore but you can still purchases courses from my mentor

There are courses for everyone. If you are looking for a full, complete, comprehensive deep dive into all the pieces, parts and mechanics of the entire Human Design system, so you can read charts for others or start your own business, then we recommend taking the certification courses.  If you want to tune up your relationships or parenting – there is courses for that too.  

If you want to just dip your toe in and learn a little more I recommend the intro to human design course.


Introduction to Quantum Human Design

This general course is a great first step if you are just learning about Quantum Human Design or just wanting a basic introduction to understanding your personal Chart. 

Transform Your Relationships by Design

Transform Your Relationships by Design with Quantum Human Design™ helps you experience more peace, fulfilling connection, and incredibly healthy relationships. This course helps you renew the passion you once had and amplifies the sense of connection you've been missing!

Certified Quantum Human Design Family Coach training

You want to make the world a better place. This training is for those of you who feel consistently committed to your own personal evolution and want to help families by building a thriving coaching and parent education practice, or you want to add to your already successful coaching practice.

Certification Levels 1-4 Bundle
If you are looking for a full, complete, comprehensive deep dive into all the pieces, parts and mechanics of the entire Human Design system, so you can read charts for others or start your own business, then we recommend taking  these courses.